Friday, January 9, 2015

Team Ellie Bug Events

Okay, so this is incredibly difficult for me to post (just a personal thing about asking for help), but I think it’ll be helpful to anyone looking to get involved or searching for something fun to do to support Team Ellie Bug.  What we absolutely NEED is prayer and love from y’all, but I’ve been asked every day what ELSE people can do or get involved with.  So, here is the list of events (that I know of) that are planned by some rockin’ awesome people to support our family and lift up our sweet bug.  I will update this post if I hear of other things, so if you’re looking to promote one of these events, just share this link (or share it later whenever you choose).  Thank you so much (from the very bottom of my heart) to all who are putting their precious time, love and support into these events.  We are humbled each and every day by this outpouring of love for our baby girl.  If you post photos, feel free to use #TEAMELLIEBUG, too… we love seeing your posts!  [I will remove events once they're over so that you're never scrolling through old information ;) ]

-          Financial contributions:
o   Now - June
o   Organized to help friends near and far who are interested in donating towards Ellie’s care.

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