Thursday, July 28, 2016

Post-op Day 2

Brandon worked last night and since Ellie is in a regular bed (not a crib), I thought I'd climb in and snuggle with her all night.  I assume that once she's really awake, we'll have to move her back to a crib because I'm certain she'll launch herself over the sides of a regular bed about fourteen times a day, otherwise.

So at about 11:30pm, after Ellie had been sleeping for several hours, I finally climbed into bed next to her and cuddled in.  She rolled into me and had the biggest smile on her face to see that I was there next to her.  I got the warm and fuzzies and drifted off to sleep.  That sleep was short lived.  Apparently, when you let your kid sleep for much of the day, then lay in next to her with her arms wrapped in immobilizers, she thinks they're weapons.  I'm not kidding... Ellie turned into a Chuck Norris gremlin last night and tried to kill me in my sleep for hours.  It wasn't cute... but I was too tired to get my butt up and move to the couch.  I assumed that she'd stop eventually.  She'd doze off, then awaken again and chop chop chop with her arms and legs again.  Seriously, I think she was trying to break me in half.  She's crazy!  At 4am, I gave up and went to the couch - knowing I needed to get up at 6am to start my day.  Maybe she just didn't want to share her bed because she slept beautifully once I was out of it.  Turd.

Needless to say, Ellie is feeling better today.  She's strong and moving around like her rotten little self.  She's sore, of course, but not as sore as I thought she'd be.  She has an unbelievably high tolerance for pain.  Yesterday, she was allowed to eat by mouth.  I thought this would be harder for her since the back side of her trachea was cut open and lays right against her esophagus.  But she had no trouble eating.  Tough cookie!  In the evening, Batman came to visit her - we had to send this picture to her brothers.

After this, we were able to finally give her a bath and put her in regular clothes.  There is so much to be said about putting a kiddo in their own clothes in the hospital.  Hospital gowns are just too sad on kids.  They suddenly look ten times better when you put them in regular clothing, so I always push for this when Ellie's inpatient.  I think I drive docs crazy when I ask over and over again when I can dress her... but it's important!

This morning, she got to wear her "You're just peanut butter and jealous" shirt.  Everyone's getting a kick out of it and Ellie is full of her big personality today.  She's flirting and showing off.  She's waving at everyone that comes in and blowing kisses.  THIS is our sweet girl!  We're hoping to get her surgical drains out today and they just let me put an HME on her trach instead of the cool mist collar.  Just one less thing for her to tangle herself in, right?  She's having a good day, y'all!  Praise God!

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