Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween + Crazy week

Okay, so making costumes from a hospital room 2 weeks ago wasn't entirely fruitless.  I was able to make all of Kaleb’s costume and sketch out how I was going to make Lance’s.  I was able to pop out of there and get supplies for everything while the sweet nurses held Ellie at the nurses’ station.  I worked on Lance’s a little on Friday the 24th (and made Ellie’s hat) since Trunk or Treat would be Saturday, the 25th.  But that left me rushing through the rest of his costume and all of Ellie’s costume on Saturday morning right before Trunk or Treat.  

I was running late to meet B in Covington by 2 pm… was leaving the house at 2, actually, so I’d be 20+ minutes late (and pretty darn frazzled).  I got the boys out to the van, then loaded up my arms with all the other stuff we’d need plus Ellie in her car seat.  I didn't have a free hand to grab my keys, so I locked the door and thought, “I’ll leave the door open and come back to make sure everything is off and grab my keys”.  Well, wouldn't you know it, as I grabbed a wig off the piano and turned to get out of the door, the handle of the diaper bag snagged the doorknob and shut it behind me.  So, I was late… and now locked out without car keys.  Thank goodness I’d gotten Ellie out in this trip.  We keep the house tightened up, so there wasn’t a window or back door that was unlocked at all… and Brandon was picking up lunch in Piqua for us.  Dang it!  I had to sit in the van and wait for him to come all the way home to unlock the house before I could go anywhere.  He had gone to church straight from work, then I called to tell him I didn’t have time to pick up lunch for everyone… so he had already gone out of his way to get us lunch.  Now this.  I felt awful!  I told him on the way there that I was NEVER working on costumes the day we needed them – EVER AGAIN… and that I was sorry (I know how much he HATES being late)!  Ha! 

It all worked out just fine in the end.  And who knew that showing up an hour after Trunk or Treat started meant that we didn’t have to wait in any lines?  We could just walk through and enjoy being social… of course.  Here are the costumes (for those of you who did not already see them on FB).  Lance is Beetlejuice, Kaleb is an Oompa Loompa, and Ellie is popcorn.  I do kind of let the kids pick out their costumes.  I find things that I think are cute throughout the year and dump the pictures into a folder on my laptop.  When fall approaches, I let the boys pick out what character they’d like to be and then try to figure out how to make it.  I sheepishly also have to admit that the folder is still full and growing of other ideas to maybe use next year (I’ve had the popcorn idea stashed since 2012… lol). 

Trunk or Treat in Covington 10/25
(it was really windy and did a number on the wigs)


Oompa Loompa


The whole family

Brandon decided to be a little scarier for our last party (11/1)... 
he did all of this on his own.  I'm quite impressed!

So Trunk or Treat was Saturday the 25th.  We had a Halloween costume party at mom & dad’s on Sunday the 26th where we also celebrated Jake & my birthdays.  We decided against Trick or Treat since it was chilly and the costumes needed repaired.  Finally, we rounded out our Halloween celebrations at a big party in Pleasant Hill on Saturday, November 1st.  Whew – it was wonderful.  I love Halloween and I get excited about the costumes and such.  I’m thankful that the boys were excited to be their characters and let me do their make-up each time.  I do spend a lot of time on them (at least thinking about them, they only take a few days to make)… but this is one of the few things that I feel like I’m good at as a mom.  I’m not the mom that’s always on time (in fact, I’m rarely on time)… I’m not the one who thinks of adorable snack ideas for pre-school or who brings beautiful side dishes to family meals; I’m not the one who has the patience to teach children’s church or who organizes awesome hands-on learning activities at home… I’m not a lot of things that I wish I was as a mom.  But hey, I can make costumes!!  That has to count for something, right?

In other news, Miss Ellie is very popular this week.  I think she has a total of 8 or 9 appointments altogether.  No worries – it’s not normally this crazy, this week is just extra special.  This update is really short – just asking for prayers for our Wednesday appointments.  That’s when we’ll meet with audiology (and cardiology and gastroenterology).  But audiology is the one that has me a little anxious right now.  Thank you in advance… I’ll keep you posted.  And did I tell you yet that she started rolling over?  Such a big girl!  Unrelated:  fewer oral feedings means that her mouth coordination is waning a bit, now.  Our speech therapists won’t be too thrilled with this, but I had to send Brandon this video because I thought it was too cute.

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